Unser Advisory Board
Experten der internationalen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Der EPIS ThinkTank bringt Studenten mit Experten zusammen. Das Advisory Board besteht aus Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Die Mitglieder des Advisory Boards beraten den EPIS ThinkTank und unterstützen unsere Studierenden bei ihrer Forschung. Durch ihre Erfahrungen und Kontakte profitieren wir vom Mehrwert der Praxiserfahrung.
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Flawed Agreements and Unkept Promises
Failed Ceasefire and the Ongoing Humanitarian Crisis in the DRC
Was the Rwanda-DRC ceasefire agreement effective in ending humanitarian struggles in the eastern DRC? The ceasefire was not effective since it did not include non-state militias which are actively present in the region and are pursuing violence against civilians. Civilians continue to die predominantly at the hands of non-state militias. Additionally, Rwanda was not actively involved in reaching peace, while the DRC did not try to ameliorate the livelihood of civilians.