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EPIS - Network, Thinktank, Consultancy

Unser Board of Advisors

Studenten mit Experten der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitk zusammenbringen

Der EPIS Thinktank bringt Studenten mit Experten zusammen. Das Board of Advisors besteht aus Experten aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Die Mitglieder des Board of Advisors beraten den EPIS Thinktank und unterstützen unsere Studierenden bei ihrer Forschung. Durch ihre Erfahrungen und Kontakte profitieren wir vom Mehrwert der Praxiserfahrung.

(Former) Member of Parliament




Board of Advisors

Bob Walter is President of Eurodefense – UK and the European Security and Defence Association. After 25 years as a stockbroker and investment banker, he served 18 years in the British Parliament. He held key roles in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Western European Union, and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Post-politics, he advised European governments on integration and chairs several defense organizations. He holds a BSc and doctorate from Aston University.

(Former) Ambassador & Executive Director




Board of Advisors

Ron Keller is an experienced advisor, analyst, commentator, and lecturer specializing in geopolitics, international finance, trade, energy, and investments, with expertise in the EU, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and China. From 2005 to 2017, he served as Dutch Ambassador to these countries. Keller's career includes roles as Director at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, advisor to the EU, IMF, World Bank, and the Dutch Ministries of Finance and Foreign Affairs. He is also a frequent speaker, chairman, and lecturer at universities and conferences.

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